Tuesday 23 January 2007

Prepare to be Galvanized!
Welcome, visitors and TCIS IB A1 English students!

Why "The Galvanizing Class of 2008"?
Well what can describe this incredibly brilliant, highly motivated, deep thinking group of young people? Many words but Only one holds the most profound description of this truely unique group: Galvanizing. Dictionary.Com states clearly: verb (used with object), -nized, -niz·ing.
1. to stimulate by or as if by a galvanic current.
2. Medicine/Medical. to stimulate or treat (muscles or nerves) with induced direct current
3. to startle into sudden activity; stimulate.

On this page you will find links to all of the blogs created by students for our Novel Study "Peace Child" by Don Richardson. Just click on each link to view each page and leave comments about what they have written.

Love In Christ

Peace Child by Don Richardson.

Peace Child by Don Richardson.
These blogs are our comments on the IB A1 English literature study of Peace Child.